Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm in Germany!

Greetings from Germany!

Yesterday, I boarded a high speed train at Gare de l'Est (top speed I saw displayed on the monitor was 312 km/h!) to Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof.

In the French and Germany countryside, I passed these bright yellow fields of flowers. Solid swaths of yellow. Sorry, the train was moving too fast for good pictures! At some points my entire field of view was just yellow. I'm told they're hops flowers but I need to check up on that.

From Frankfurt, I took a regular train to Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof. There I was reunited with some old friends, an American couple. We were neighbors 15 years ago in Beijing! It's been sooooo long, I was just 10 years old at the time. I have many fond memories visiting them and their cat and dog (both who passed away within the past few years ): !!!) We walked around Wiesbaden and had lunch at a restaurant with German food!

I had an overwhelming pork hax with a big dumpling and cabbage, Joey shared some of her spargel (asparagus) salad with me which was deeeelicious. Cucumber, tomato, lettuce, smoked salmon, and green and white asparagus!

After walking around Wiesbaden some more, we headed to their home Taunusstein, just a 10 minute drive away. It's a small town with farming land all around. Their particular neighborhood is secluded but still so conveniently located. And so beautiful! This was taken from a short walk this morning with the 3 dogs, maybe 5-10 minutes walk from the house.


Today we drove to Heidelberg to see the ruins of the castle, we took a very interesting guided tour. Unfortunately, I don't have the USB cable to get the pictures off the camera so all I have are the above pictures from my phone. I guess I left out pictures of my lunch and a very large cheese. So, sorry, you'll have to wait until I get back to Paris!

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